Why Go Non-GMO in 2016?

Why Go Non-GMO in 2016?

January 25, 2016

Why Go Non-GMO in 2016? Why Go Non-GMO in 2016? Happy New Year from all of here at Living Health Integrative Medicine. As we ring in the New Year, many resolutions revolve around food, in particular eating “right”. Eating “right” can have so many different meanings dependant upon the person…

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4 Lessons from the 21 Day Detox

4 Lessons from the 21 Day Detox

January 25, 2016

4 Lessons from the 21 Day Detox 4 Lessons from the 21 Day Detox It is my 21st aka my last day on the detox! Going into the detox I was anxious and I didn’t know if I was ready to take on the challenge. I kept making excuses in…

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Water – Essential for Your Health

January 24, 2016

Water – Essential for Your Health Spring is right around the corner. As the weather gets warmer we begin increasing our activity levels by jogging, golfing, gardening, and long walks. During these activities and day to day, I can say that drinking water is extremely important to be healthy. As…

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I Have a Confession To Make

January 20, 2016

I Have a Confession To Make I meet with patients every day that have many health goals. Some want more energy others want a healthy, high quality life without relying on medications. But I’d say one of the most common goals that my patients have is to lose weight. What…

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What Is a Detox Diet and Is It Right For You?

January 18, 2016

What Is a Detox Diet and Is It Right For You? “Have you ever gone on a detox diet?!” That’s a common question these days. Either a friend or family member is talking about going one, completing one, or social media is blasting you with detox products, but why? There…

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Kelly’s Detox Journey Day 14

Kelly’s Detox Journey Day 14

January 18, 2016

Kelly’s Detox Journey Day 14 Kelly’s Detox Journey Day 14 This is Day 14 of the detox with Living Health Integrative Medicine and I am so excited that my energy has maintained and I am sleeping better at night. My focus has been better and also my anxiety has lessened.…

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Annapolis chiropractic offices offer chronic pain management solutions

January 16, 2016

Annapolis chiropractic offices offer chronic pain management solutions The research firm Koch uncovered some startling statistics in the end of the 1980’s. Over 70 million office visits to physicians were for chronic pain complaints. By 1994, approximately one-fifth of the adult population experienced chronic pain in the US. The research…

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Importance of Chiropractic for Pediatrics

Importance of Chiropractic for Pediatrics

January 11, 2016

Importance of Chiropractic for Pediatrics When most people think of chiropractic care, they assume it’s just for middle-aged adults with low back pain. Granted, the majority of patients in chiropractic practices consist of adults, there is however a great need for pediatric chiropractic care. I would even say children and…

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Kelly’s Detox Journey – Day 7

Kelly’s Detox Journey – Day 7

January 11, 2016

Kelly’s Detox Journey – Day 7 Kelly’s Detox Journey Day 7! My first week is done and it was A LOT easier than I thought it was going to be. I thought I was going to be starving all day long and I wasn’t! Over the past couple of nights…

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